Updating the guide
Before updating the guide perform the following simple steps:- Disable the finishing line.
- Use Merge Plugin Hide to unhide all merges.
- Pay close attention to the mods name in MO2 when updating.
- Hide whatever merges that aren’t regenerated.
- Regenerate any merges listed. Make sure for each merge to uncheck then recheck any plugin in zMerge to update its internal loadorder.
- Regenerate any Finishing Line stuff listed.
Mod Organizer 2 Plugins - Remember Installation Choices - Mod Organizer 2 Plugin.
ENB Preset - Ljoss ReLUX for Cathedral Weather - Lexy's LOTD Official ENB Preset - Added a Note for users with AMD GPUs
Extension Frameworks - Engines Patches - I'm Walkin' Here NG with Pets
Extension Frameworks - Extended Functionality - Widescreen Scale Removed for 1-6-1130 and higher
Essential Bug Fixes - Hunters Not Bandits.
Main Quest Fixes & Tweaks - Dungeon Quests are not Miscellaneous.
Grass - Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods - Patches for The Great Cities and Towns
Locations - Unique Border Gates Fixes - Xelzaz Patch.
Skin and Body - Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer - CBBE - Added Update File.
Skin and Body - Males - New Section Added.
Skin and Body - Males - Males Of Skyrim by zzjay - with Better Male Feet and High poly hands - SE.
Skin and Body - Males - Tempered Skins for Males - Vanilla and SOS versions.
Skin and Body - Argonians and Khajiits - New Section Added.
Skin and Body - Argonians and Khajiits - Riverborn Argonian Skin.
Clothing and Jewellery - Armor and Clothing Extension 2K-1K Textures.
New Weapons and Armours - Immersive Armours Refitted and Reinforced.
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - kryptopyr's Patch Hub Installer.
Ancient Dwemer Metal My Patches Collection - Ancient Dwemer Metal - My patches - ADM - My patches by Xtudo - FINAL Update 7 - 2K
Miscellaneous Compatibility Patches - Canissa's little patch emporium.
Conflict Resolution - Atlas Map Markers - Conflict Resolution.
LOOT Rules - Village Mods Group - Added Landscape For Grass Mods - TGC Morthal PATCH.esp to Group
LOOT Rules - Village Mods Group - Added Landscape For Grass Mods - TGC Rorikstead PATCH.esp to Group
LOOT Rules - Village Mods Group - Added Landscape For Grass Mods - The Great Town of Ivarstead PATCH.esp to Group
Loot Rules - Village Mods Group - Added Finding_Helgi_and_Laelette.esp to Group also add Load After Rule
Loot Rules - Village Mods Group - Added Finding Helgi and Laelette Grammar Fixes.esp to Group
LOOT Rules - Load After LOOT Rules - Added LOOT rule for Atlas Map Markers - Conflict Resolution.esp
LOOT Rules - Load After LOOT Rules - Added LOOT rule for JKs Solitude Outskirts - Immersive Citizens patch.esp
Pre-Installation Instructions
Mod Installation Page 1
Mod Installation Page 2
Mod Installation Page 5
Mod Installation Page 8
Mod Installation Page 10
Finishing Line Page
Skin and Body - Argonians Enhanced Remade - Moved to the new Skin and Body - Argonians and Khajiits section.
Skin and Body - Feminine Argonian Textures (Chameleon and Lizard) - Moved to the new Skin and Body - Argonians and Khajiits section.
Skin and Body - Feminine Khajiit Textures (Grey Cat and Leopard) - Moved to the new Skin and Body - Argonians and Khajiits section.
Skin and Body - Cover Khajiits - Male Version - Moved to the new Skin and Body - Argonians and Khajiits section.
Armour and Weapons Retextures and Tweaks - Konahrik's Accoutrements Patches - Moved mod after Improved Closefaced Helmets
Mod Installation Page 5
Mod Installation Page 8
Extension Frameworks - Engines Patches - I'm walkin' here NG - Swapped to I'm Walkin' Here NG with Pets
Fixes & Resources - Unofficial Patches - Script Optimization and Fixes Compilation - Mod longer needed it is included in USMP
Mesh Fixes Patches - Mesh Patch for Various Mods - Assorted Mesh Fixes - SMIM - Really Blended Roads Patch - Mod no longer needed it is redundandt with LUX Orbis.
Location - Patches for Ryn's - Ryn's Farms - Skyrim Sewers - Mod no longer needed
Expanded Cities, Towns, and Villages - Books of Skyrim SE - Redux - RS Children Patch - Mod no longer needed this patch is now included in the FOMOD.
Morthal City Overhauls - Rob's Bug Fixes - TGC Morthal - This mod is incompatible with a number of Patches we use so decided to remove it.
Skin and Body - Highly Improved Male Body Overhaul - 01) HIMBO V5 - Core - Mod no longer needed.
Skin and Body - Highly Improved Male Body Overhaul - 02a) HIMBO V5 - BG-DG-DB Refits - Mod no longer needed.
Skin and Body - Highly Improved Male Body Overhaul - 02b) HIMBO V5 - CC Refits - Mod no longer needed.
Skin and Body - Highly Improved Male Body Overhaul - CC Refit Fixes - Mod no longer needed.
Skin and Body - Highly Improved Male Body Overhaul - Refit Fixes - Mod no longer needed.
Skin and Body - BnP - Male Skin - Mod no longer needed.
New Weapons and Armours - Immersive Armours - Replacer and Patches - Mod no longer needed swapped to Immersive Armors Refitted and Reinforced.
New Weapons and Armours - Immersive Armours - Asdasfa Tweaks and Fixes - Sekhmet13 Patch - Mod no longer needed.
Armour Conversions - Cathedral Armory - HIMBO BodySlide Compatibility Patch - Mod no longer needed.
Armour Conversions - Golden Saint Armory Revamped Patches - HIMBO Patch - Mod no longer needed.
Armour Conversions - Immersive Armor HIMBO Conversion V2 - Mod no longer needed.
Armour Conversions - Immersive Armors - Asdasfa Tweaks and Fixes - HIMBO - Mod no longer needed.
Armour Conversions - Nordic Wanderer Equipment HIMBO - Mod no longer needed.
Armour Conversions - Volkihar Knight - Vampire Armor - HIMBO Refit - Mod no longer needed.
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Amulets of Skyrim __ CCOR - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Bandolier __ CCOR - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Campfire __ CCOR - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Cannibal Draugr on Solstheim __ CACO - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Cloaks of Skyrim __ CCOR - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Dawnguard Arsenal __ WACCF_CCOR - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Faction Crossbows __ CCOR - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Falskaar __ CACO - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Fishing (CC) __ CACO - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Fishing (CC) __ WACCF_CCOR - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Gemling Queen Jewelry __ CCOR - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Gray Cowl Nocturnal __ CACO - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Improved Closefaced Helmets __ WACCF_AMB - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Inigo __ CACO - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - JaySuS Swords __ CCOR - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Moonpath __ CACO - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Ordinator __ CACO - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Ordinator __ WACCF_CCOR - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Predator Vision __ CACO - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Rare Curios (CC) __ CACO - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - RS Children Overhaul __ WACCF - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Sacrosanct __ CACO - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Skyrim Immersive Creatures __ CACO - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Skyrim Immersive Creatures __ WACCF_ICH - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Skyrim Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers __ CACO - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Skyrim Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers __ CCOR - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Skyrim Revamped - Complete Enemy Overhaul __ ACE - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Skyrim Revamped - Complete Enemy Overhaul __ WACCF - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - SunHelm __ CACO - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Thaumaturgy __ WACCF_ACE_AMB - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch __ CACO - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Warmonger Armory Tweaks - Loremonger Edition __ WACCF_CCOR - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Wayfarers Coat __ CCOR - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Winter Is Coming __ CCOR - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection - Kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Wyrmstooth __ CACO - Mod no longer needed Swapped to FOMOD version
Ancient Dwemer Metal My Patches Collection - Ancient Dwemer Metal - My patches - FINAL SE VERSION Update v6 - Mod no longer needed
FormList Patch Collection - Interesting NPCs SE (3DNPC) - Plantable Plants - Mod no longer needed.
LOOT Rules - Villages Mods Group - Great Town of Ivarstead - USSEP Patch.esp - LOOT Rule no longer needed since the plugin was removed
LOOT Rules - Load After LOOT Rules - Lux Orbis - Ryn's Farms - Riften Docks Overhaul patch.esp - LOOT Rule is no longer needed since the plugin was removed.
Mod Installation Page 1
Mod Installation Page 2
Mod Installation Page 4
Mod Installation 5
Mod Installation Page 8
Mod Installation Page 10
Finishing Line Page
Nexus Archive Files - Updated Option 2: Manual Method Instructions.
Official Bethesda Content - Creation Kit Platform Extended for Skyrim - Updated to version 0.4-b952
Modding Tools - Lexy's LOTD Synthesis Profile - Updated to version
Modding Tools - Wrye Bash - Updated to version 313
Mod Organizer 2 Plugins - Mod Organizer 2 Removal Tool - Updated to version 2.4.1
DynDOLOD - DynDOLOD 3 Alpha - Updated to version Apha-188
Extension Frameworks - Engine Patches - powerofthree's Tweaks - Updated to version 1.13.1
Extension Frameworks - Extended Functionality - Container Distribution Framework - Updated to version 3.0.0
Extension Frameworks - Extended Functionality - Object Categorization Framework - Updated to version 6.1.0
Extension Frameworks - Extended Functionality - Spell Perk Item Distributor (SPID) - Updated to 7.2.0.RC11
Fixes & Resources - Unofficial Patches - Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - USSEP - Updated to version 4.3.4
Fixes & Resources - Unofficial Patches - Unofficial Skyrim Modder's Patch - USMP SE - Update to version 2.6.5
Interface - Controls - Lexy's LOTD - Control Map - Updated to version 1.04
World Map - Atlas Map Markers SE - Updated with MCM - Updated to version 3.0.3
The World of Skyrim - Dynamic LOD - DynDOLOD Resources SE 3 - Updated to version Alpha-54
Miscellaneous & Side Quest Fixes & Tweaks - Favor Quests Separated - Updated to version 2.11.1
Faction Quest Fixes & Tweaks - Obscure's College of Winterhold - Updated FOMOD Options
Legacy of The Dragonborn - Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE - Updated to versioin 6.8.0
Legacy of The Dragonborn - Legacy Textures Upscaled - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Updated Special Installation Instructions
Lighting Improvements and Mesh Fixes - Assorted mesh fixes - Updated to version 0.126
Grass - No Grass In Objects - Updated to version 1.3.0
Glaciers, Ice, Snow and Ash - Simplicity of Snow - Updated to version 0.23.1
Trees and Flora Happy Little Trees Add-On - DynDOLOD 3 - Updated to version 2.1.1
Architecture & Settlements - illustrious Whiterun SE - 8K - Parallax - Updated to version 3.4
Architecture & Settlements - Mrf's Solitude - Mrf's Solitude Unique Interior 2K - Updated to version 3.0.3, Also updated special Installation Instructions.
Water - Water for ENB - Updated to version 2.0.2
Water - Natural Waterfalls - Updated to version 3.0
Water - GKB Waves Reborn - Updated to version 3.1.1
LOOT Overhauls - C.O.I.N. - Coins of Interesting Natures - Updated to version 3.2.1
LOOT Overhauls - C.O.I.N. - Smelting add-on for your COINS - Updated to Version 2.0
LOOT Overhauls - Trade and Barter - Updated to version 2.2
Combat and Traps - Valhalla Combat - Race Addons - Updated to version 1.2.1
Expanded Cities, Towns, and Villages - Books of Skyrim SE - Redux - Mod was renamed to Books of Skyrim SE - Reimagined and updated to version 5.7
Morthal City Overhauls - The Great City Of Morthal SSE Edition - Removed Special Installation Instructions
Riften City Overhauls - Riften Docks Overhaul - Updated FOMOD Options
Whiterun City Overhauls - JK's The Drunken Huntsman - Updated to version 1.1.0
Winterhold City Overhauls - The Great City Of Winterhold SSE Edition - Updated to version 4.2.3
Fire and Forges - Embers XD - Updated to version 3.1.0
Worldspace - Late Loaders - Skyking Signs - Updated to version 1.6
Skin and Body - Section renamed to Skin and Body - Females
Enemy and Encounter Overhauls - Skyrim Revamped Rebalanced and Releveled - Updated to version 2.62
New Followers and NPCs - Lucien and Xelzaz - Xelzaz - Custom Fully Voiced Argonian Telvanni Follower - Updated to version 1.13.0
New Followers and NPCs - Inigo and Khajiit Will Follow - Khajiit Will Follow - Updated to version 4.7.2a
New Followers and NPCs - Inigo and Khajiit Will Follow - Khajiit Will Follow - Immersive Start - Updated to version 4.7.2
New Followers and NPCs - Thogra, Remiel, Auri, and Sofia - (NEW) Thogra gra-Mugur - Orc Follower and Quest - Updated to version 2.5.1
New Followers and NPCs - Thogra, Remiel, Auri, and Sofia - Song of the Green (Auri Follower) - Enhanced Voice Remastered - Updated 2.1.1
Optimized Baseline Armour Retextures - Cathedral - Armory - Updated to version 3.21
Clothing and Jewellery - Armor and Clothing Extension - Updated to version 1.6.1
Clothing and Jewellery - Armor and Clothing Extension - SPID Patch - Updated to version 1.6.1
New Weapons and Armours - Heavy Armory - New Weapons - Updated to version 6.1.6
New Weapons and Armours - Immersive Armors - Updated Special Installation Instructions.
New Weapons and Armours - Twilight Princess Armor Mashup - Swapped to 2k version and updated to version 5.6
Armour Conversions - CBBE 3BA Vanilla Outfits Redone - Updated to version 4.1.2
Armour Conversions - Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes - CBBE 3BA patch (WACCF and ACE 3BA) - Updated to version 1.0.9
Gameplay - Completionist - Skyrim Completion Tracker (NG) - Updated to version
Gameplay - Completionist Creation Club and Unofficial Patches - Mod was renaned to Completionist Addons, and updated to version 2.0.6
LUX - LUX Via - Updated to version 2.2
Exterior and Interior Patch Collection - Drengins's Solitude Patch Collection - Updated FOMOD Options
Exterior and Interior Patch Collection - GG's Thieves Guild HQ Patch Collection - Updated to version 1.7
Exterior and Interior Patch Collection - JK's Interiors Patch Collection - Updated to version 5.25
Exterior and Interior Patch Collection - JK's Guild HQ Interiors Patch Collection - Updated to version 1.27
Exterior and Interior Patch Collection - JK's Solitude Outskirts Patch Collection - Updated to version 1.9
Exterior & Interior Patch Collection - JK's Windhelm Outskirts Patch Collection - Update to version 1.5.1
Exterior and Interior Patch Collection - Snazzy Interiors Patch Collection - Updated to version 1.43
Exterior and Interior Patch Collection - The Great Town of Ivarstead Patch Collection - Updated to version 3.1.2
Exterior and Interior Patch Collection - Great Town of Shor's Stone - Updated to version 2.4.1
Exterior and Interior Patch Collection - The Great City of Winterhold Patch Collection - Updated to version 2.8.2
Legacy of The Dragonborn Patch Collection - Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches (Official) - Updated to version 6.8.0
Legacy of The Dragonborn Patch Collection - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Creation Club Patch Hub - Updated to version 6.0.8
Legacy of The Dragonborn Patch Collection - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Followers Patch - Updated to version 4.8
Legacy of The Dragonborn Patch Collection - Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Curator's Companion - Updated to version 7.0.7
Owl Patch Collection - lilebonymace's patches and xEdit scripts - Updated to version 2.45
Dear Diary Dark Mode - Lexy's LOTD - Dear Diary Dark Mode Config File - Updated to version 1.03
Dear Diary Dark Mode - Dear Diary DM and Paper (Squish) Fixes - Mod renamed to Dear Diary DM and Paper Difficulty Persistence Fixes and Updated to version 1.0
Consistency Patches - Lexy's LOTD Consistency Patches - Updated to version 2.10
Conflict Resolution - Lexy's LOTD - Conflict Resolution - Updated to version 2.13
Conflict Resolution - Dawnstar City Overhauls - Conflict Resolution - Updated to version 1.02
RS Children Patches Merge - Updated Merge
LOOT Rules - Villages Mods Group - The Great Town of Ivarstead - 3DNPC Patch.esp was reanmed to Great Town of Ivarstead - 3DNPC Patch.esp
LOOT Rules - Villages Mods Group - Great Town of Ivarstead - Embers XD [XD ESP] Patch.esp was reanmed to Great Town of Ivarstead - Embers XD Patch.esp
Bodyslide - Generating Bodyslide Output - Removed references to HIMBO
Valhalla Combat (MCM) - Updated MCM Options
Common Task Instructions
Pre-Installation Instructions Page
Mod Installation Page 1
Mod Installation Page 2
Mod Installation Page 3
Mod Installation Page 4
Mod Installation Page 5
Mod Installation Page 6
Mod Installation Page 7
Mod Installation Page 8
Mod Installation Page 9
Mod Installation Page 10
Merge Page
Finishing Line Page
MCM Page
Lexy's LOTD Consistency Patches Merge, RS Children Merge, Nemesis Output, Bash Patch, Synthesis, Bodyslide, xLODGEN, DynDOLOD