BEFORE DOING ANYTHING - make sure Serio’s Cycle Hotkeys - Quickset Update is disabled in the left pane.

The following settings are all RECOMMENDATIONS. We've given you the list, we walked you through the install... but in the end, how you play the game is up to you. Enjoy the game.


BEFORE DOING ANY OTHER SETTINGS - Predator Vision is sometimes problematic in initializing. We HIGHLY recommend testing it before you do anything else. If it doesn't work, you will need to create a new character.


The Guide was assembled with the "Adept" difficulty level in mind. This is the recommended difficulty.

Skyrim Settings


  • Dialog Subtitles: Enabled
  • Depth of Field: Minimum possible value

MCM Settings

A Matter of Time

General → Symbol 1:

  • Show Moon Phases: Enabled
  • Show Seasons: Enabled

Display → Symbol 1:

  • Scale: 60%
  • Horizontal Anchor: Right
  • Horizontal Offset: -50
  • Vertical Offset: 0

Display → In-Game Clock:

  • Scale: 70%
  • Horizontal Anchor: Right
  • Horizontal Offset: -45
  • Vertical Offset: 48

Display → In-Game Date:

  • Scale: 70%
  • Horizontal Anchor: Right
  • Horizontal Offset: -45
  • Vertical Offset: 57


Settings → Enable/Disabled:

  • Persistent Arrows: Disabled
  • Arrow Wounds (Player): Disabled
  • Arrown Wounds (NPC): Disabled
  • Arm Fatigue: Disabled

Atlas Map Markers

Atlas Map Markers → Major Cities:

  • Khajiit Carvan sites: Disabled

AYOP - College of Winterhold

College of Winterhold:

  • Objectives displayed between quests: Enabled

AYOP - Thane Overhaul

House Prices:

  • Riften - 18,000
  • Whiterun - 15,000
  • Markarth - 35,000
  • Solitude - 40,000
  • Windhelm - 12,000

Better Facelight Redux ENB

Main Options:

  • Enabled Mod: Enabled
  • Enabled for Player: Enabled

Main Options → Light Option:

  • Intenisty Level 0.60: Enabled

Better Third Person Selection - BTPS

Widgets → Widget Settings:

  • 2D widget size: 0.8


  • Stealing Only While Undetected: Enabled
  • Stealing only While Sneaking: Enabled
  • No Stealing While Sitting: Enabled

Cathedral Weather

Settings → Weather:

  • Seasonal Perspective: Enabled

Complete Crafting

Recipe Display → Crafting Menu Filters:

  • Crafting Categories: Disabled
  • Item Type Filters: Disabled
  •  Breakdown Recipes: Enabled

Crafting Options → Additional Items:

  • Artifact Replicas: Enabled
  • Matching Circlets Sets: Enabled

Learning & XP → Smithing Experience:

  • Tanning Rack:0.1
  • Smelter:0.2
  • Mining 20

Learning & XP → Learn to Craft:

  • Learning Points required to Craft: 250

Mining  and Materials→ Mining:

  • Mining Presets:  FASTER MINING

Mining  and Materials→ Firewood:

  • Firewood per chop:6
  • Max per activation: 1

Completionist Tracker (Main)

HUD Settings → Menu Mode (New Items):

  • Format: Colour Only

HUD Settings → Menu Mode (Found Items):

  • Format: Colour Only

UI Settings → Map Marker Settings:

  • Fishing Map Markers: Disabled

Deadly Dragons

Dragons → Presets:

  • Difficulty: Expert

Dragons → Special:

  • Knockdown: Disabled


Player Traits:

  • Confirm Race Selection.

Player Traits → Standing Stones:

  • Use Modified Blessings: Disabled

Class Selection:

  • Select Class: Select one of your choice/description for them are at bottom.

Class Selection → Skill Bonus:

  • Affects: XP Rate Only
  • After you finished setting up your class click FINALIZE & APPLY CLASS SETTINGS

Race & Gender → Racial Skills:

  • Affects: Starting Skill Level

Diverse Dragons Col. 3


  • Nether Dragon: Disabled
  • Sanguine Dragon: Disabled
  • Vile Dragon: Disabled

Easy Wheel

General → Mode selection:

  • Use Swap mode: Enabled
  • Show: M5 (Or whatever hotkey you like)
  • Next: Arrow Right Key (Or whatever hotkey you like)
  • Previous: Arrow Left Key (Or whatever hotkey you like)

Configuaration → Wheel ID:

Wheel id: 2

Configuaration → Wheel Layout:

  1. Build Campfire
  2. Instincts
  3. Harvest Wood
  4. Create Item
  5. Fill

ESF: Companions

Requirements → Requirements Before Your Trial:

  • Do Quest for each member of the Circle: Disabled
  • Player Level: 30

Requirements → Requirements Before Joining The Circle:

  • Do Quests For Each Circle Member: Disabled
  • Player Level: 40

Requirements → Requirements Before Kodlak's Request:

  • Do Quest for each member of the Circle: Disabled
  • Player Level: 60

EVG Conditional Idles

Player → Movement Enabled:

  • Modesty Males: Disabled
  • Modesty Female: Disabled
  • Headache: Disabled

NPC → Movement Enabled:

  • NPC Modesty Males: Disabled
  • NPC Modesty Female: Disabled
  • Headache: Disabled

Expanded Towns

Settings → Fortification Walls:

  • Dawnstar: Disabled
  • Falkreath: Disabled
  • Morthal: Disabled
  • Winterhold: Disabled

Extended UI

Sleep\Wait Menu:

  • Maximium Value: 744

Farmhouse Chimneys

Overhauls → Vanilla → Vanilla Village Options:

  • Shor's Stone: Disabled
  • Karthwasten: Disabled

New Locations → New Towns:

  • Moon and Star: Enabled

Overhauls → Overhaul Mods:

  • Expanded Towns and Cities: Enabled



If you don’t intend to use Frostfall you still need to enable the mod and then Disable it to allow Start-up Scripts to run. Also, be aware that certain FrostFall effects may still be applied to your character, even if it is shut down. This can be corrected by turning it on, waiting for your character to get fully warm, and then turning it off again.


If you intend to do the Vanilla Start you need do not active Frostfall in the MCM until you have entered the Fort at Helgen. Otherwise you will freeze to death during the cart ride.

Overview → Frostfall Status:

  • Frostfall Is: Enabled (This will require you to exit and reload the MCM)

Gameplay → Fast Travel & Waiting:

  • Disable Fast Travel: Enabled
  • Disable Waiting While Outdoors: Enabled

Meters → General Meter Settings:

  • Layout Preset: Bottom Left

Meters → Exposure Meter Advance Settings:

  • X Position: 640.0
  • Y Position: 0.0
  • Horizontal Anchor: Center
  • Vertical Anchor: Top

Meters → Wetness Meter Advance Settings:

  • X Position: 0.0
  • Y Position: 726.5

Meters → Temperature Meter Advance Settings:

  • Fill Direction: Right
  • X Position: 1315.0
  • Y Position: 726.5
  • Horizontal Anchor: Right

Helgen Reborn MCM

  • Level Requirement: 40
  • Enable Quest Requirement: Enabled
  • Quest Selection: Bleak Falls Barrow

Immersive Creatures


  • Select Version Preset: Purist - No Spiders

Help & Guides → Max, Active Actors:

  • AI Control: Disabled

Immersive HUD

Activation → Compass Activation:

  • Key press toggles: Enabled


  • Enable fast fade of magicka: Enabled
  • Enable fast fade of stamina: Enabled

Immersive Interactions

Settings → Animations

  • Waiting Animations: Disabled
  • Compatibility Loot Message: Disabled

Improved Alternate Conversation Camera


  • Camera’s Speed: 1200
  • Switch Target: Unchecked
  • Force Third Person: Unchecked
  • Head Tracking: Unchecked
  • Conversation HT: Unchecked

General → Camera:

  • Default World FOV: 85
  • Default 1st Person FOV: 85
  • Letter Box: Letter box: Disabled

Improved Follower Dialogue - Lydia

Improved Follower Dialogue:

  • Disable Objections to Joining Factions: Checked
  • Disable Objections to Serving Daedra: Checked

Keep It Clean

Settings → Toggles:

  • Start Keep It Clean: Enabled

Leveling Freedom

Base XP Requirements:

  • fXPLevelUpBase: 300

Lock Overhaul


  • Activate Lock Overhaul: Enabled (This will require you to exit and reload the MCM)

General → General Settings:

  • Allow increasing skill: Enabled
  • Enable the sound effect: Enabled
  • Enable Crime: Enabled

Smash Locks → Smash Locks:

  • Activate Smash Locks: Enabled
  • Allow Weapons: Two + One Handed

Unlock with Magic → Unlock Spell:

  • Enable Unlock Spell: Enabled
  • Frost effect Required Skill malus: -0

LOD Reload Bug Fix

  • Fix on Travel - Enabled
  • Fix on Load - Enabled

LOTD Settings

LOTD Settings → General → Shipment Crate Locations:

  • Carriages: Enabled
  • Inns: Enabled
  • Player Houses: Enabled

Moonlight Tales


  • Transform Back Stagger: Disabled
  • Werewolf Loot: Disabled


  • Werewolf Appearance: Alpha (Black with Red Eyes)


Enemy's Level → General:

  • Show Enemy Level: Disabled
  • Show Soul Level: Disabled

Enemy's Level → Enemy Meters:

  • Show Magicka Meter: Disabled
  • Show Stamina Meter: Disabled


Activity → Sandboxing:

  • Relax Idle Delay: 15 Seconds
  • Only Sandbox In Towns: Enabled
  • Multi-Level Sandboxing: Enabled

Activity → Mounts:

Mount Support: Riding Support Only

Gameplay → Bleedout:

Revive After Combat: Enabled

Gameplay → Bleedout:

Potion Recovery: Any (Weak to Strong)

Predator Vision

General → Keys:

  • Nightvision activation key: V
  • Predator vision activation key: H


  • Nightvision Brightness : 65%
  • Nightvision Colour: 0%
  • Predator Vision Brightness: 100%
  • Predator Vision Color Boost: 100%

Activation sounds:

  • Nightvision: Sound 2


  • Werewolves get Predator Vision as humans: Enabled

Radiant Requirements

Settings → Location Types - Min Level:

  • Dragon Lair - 35
  • Draugr Crypt - 25
  • Forsworn - 15
  • Hagraven - 33
  • Vampire Lair - 40
  • Werewolf - 40
  • Dragon Priest Lair - 60
  • Falmer Hive - 25
  • Giant Camp - 25
  • Spriggan Grove - 15
  • Warlock Lair - 30

Realistic Room Rental

Configuration → Room Cost Configuration:

  • Braidwood Inn: 120
  • Candlehearth Hall: 250
  • Four Shields Tavern: 100
  • Silver-Blood Inn: 250
  • The Bannered Mare: 130
  • The Winking Skeever: 250


Main → Main Options:

  • Enabled Mod: Checked
  • Affects NPCs Only: Checked

Simplest Horses


  • Mount control Key: G

Mount Behaviour:

  • Player Mount Ignores Combat: Enabled

Mount Protection:

  • Set Owned Mounts as Protected: Enabled


General → Item List:

  • Font Size: Small
  • Category Icon Theme: CELTIC

Controls → Favorite Groups:

  • Group 5: F5
  • Group 6: F6
  • Group 7: F7
  • Group 8: F8

Advanced → SWF Version Checking:

  • Map Menu: Disabled
  • Favorites Menu: Disabled
  • Inventory Menu: Disabled
  • Barter Menu: Disabled
  • Container Menu: Disabled
  • Crafting Menu: Disabled

Skyrim’s Unique Treasures


We STRONGLY suggest making a game save before doing this MCM. It has been known to cause crashes.

SUT Configuration → Configuration Options:

  • Lore friendly items only: Enabled

Storm Lightning

Presets → Load Preset:

  • Realistic: Enabled

Settings → Fork Lightning:

  • Minimum Fork Distance: 1

Spell Hotbar

Keybinds Skill Bindings:

Hotbar Skills 1-9: NP1-9

Hotbar Skill 10: 0

Keybinds Menu Bindings:

Previous Bar: NP-

Next Bar: NP+

Settings → Bar Configuration:

  • Show Bar HUD: Combat

Settings → Bar Configuration → Bar Positioning

  • Slot Scale: 0.60


  • Offset Y: 50



If you don’t intend to use Sunhelm, you will still need to enable the mod and then disable it to allow start-up scripts to run.


If you intended to do the Vanilla Start you need do not active Sunhelm in the MCM until you have entered the Fort at Helgen. Otherwise you will starve to death during the cart ride.

General Settings:

  • Sunhelm and Survival: Enabled (This will require you to exit and reload the MCM)

Display and Notifications → Widget Options

  • Widget Display Type: Alpha\Colour

Display and Notifications → Widget Options

  • Widget Orientation: Vertical

Widget Location:

  • Widget X Offset: 2
  • Widget Y Offset: -45

Thieves Guild Req.

Main Quest → Requirements to Begin Recruitment Quest:

  • Sneak: 25
  • Items Stolen: 250

Main Quest → Requirements to Begin 3rd Quest:

  • Radiant Jobs Completed: 20
  • Randomize: Enabled
  • Sneak Skill 35

Main Quest → Requirements to Begin 4th Quest:

  • Radiant Jobs Completed: 40
  • Sneak Skill 45

Radiant Quests : → Radiant Job Options:

Bedlam Job 500

Radiant Quests → City Influence Quests:

  • Randomize: Enabled

Misc Options → Unusual Gems:

  • Selling Price: 50
  • Cost Multiple to Buy: x 20
  • Quest Markers: Enabled

Misc Options → Shadowmarks:

  • Require City Quest: Enabled
  • Use Loot mark: Enabled

Timing is Everything

DLC Quests → Dawnguard:

  • Enabled Vampire Attacks: Enabled
  • Vampire Attacks: 30
  • Dawnguard Recruitment: 30
  • Disguised Vampire Chance: 30
  • Scouting Party Chance: 35
  • Eclipse Attack Chance: 0
  • Min Days Between Attacks: 5
  • Max Days Between Attacks: 20

DLC Quests → Hearthfire:

  • Minimum Level: 20

DLC Quests → Dragonborn:

  • After The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller
  • Minimum Level: 50
  • Cultist Attack Chance: 25

Other Quests → Daedric Quest:

  • The Cursed Tribe: 25
  • The Break of Dawn: 45
  • The Break of Dawn: No Vampires: Enabled
  • The Only Cure: 40
  • A Night to Remember: 30
  • Discerning the Transmundane: 60
  • The Whispering Door: 40
  • Pieces of The Past: 35
  • Boethiah's Calling: 40

Other Quests → Misc Quest:

  • The Wolf Queen Awakened: 47
  • Unfathomable Depths: 32
  • Grimsever's Return: 32
  • Kill The Giant: 22
  • Dungeon Delving: 30
  • Kill the Vampire: 30
  • Deathbrand: 36
  • Ebony Warrior: 75

Extra Options → World Encounters:

  • Werewolf Encounters: Enabled
  • Thalmor Squad: Min Level: 10
  • Hired Thugs: Stolen Item Value: 300
  • Hired Assassin: Min Level: 15
  • Hired Assassin: Assaults: 0
  • Hired Assassin: Murders: 0
  • Bounty Collector: Required Bounty: 1500
  • Bounty Collector Chance: 25
  • Letter from a Friend: Disabled

Extra Options → Dragon Attacks:

  • Min Days Between Attacks: 3
  • Dragon Attack Chance: 100

Trade & Barter

Barter Rates → Settings:

  • Modify Barter Settings: Enabled

Barter Rates → Presets:

  • Barter Presets: Medium


Player Widget → Display Criteria:

  • Force hide vanilla bars: Checked

Boss Bars → Display Settings:

  • Boss Scale: 0.8
  • Boss Bar Anchor X: 0.50
  • Boss Bar Anchor Y: 0.100

TrueHUD → Recent Loot → Recent Loot:

  • Anchor Y= 0.760

Valhalla Combat

Stamina → Attacking:

  • Light Attack Stamina System (NPCs): Enabled

Stun & Execution → General

  • Enabled Stun and Execution: Disabled

Widget Addon

Widget Position:

  • Up/Down Position: 710
  • Vertical Anchor: Bottom

Wildcat Combat

Dynamic Combat:

  • Disable Slow at 0 Stamina: Enabled
  • Disable Swimming Stamina Costs: Enabled

Stamina Cost:

  • 1H Attacks Cost: 0 Stamina
  • 2H Attacks Cost: 0 Stamina
  • Bow Attack Costs: 0 Stamina
  • Disable Pulled/Held Bow Stamina Costs: Enabled


  • Disable Injuries: Enabled


  • Allow Wildcat to Manage Difficulty: Enabled


Starting Requirements:

  • After The Horn of Jurgen Windercaller
  • Minimum Player Level: 30

In-Game Mod Configuration

These settings should by set AFTER you have created your character and left the ASLAL Starting Cell (IE, you have chosen your start by speaking with the Mara statue and gone to sleep).

Immersive Equipment Display

Press the following keys and buttons:

Shift + Backspace --> View --> Gear nodes --> Global --> Preset --> Lexy's LOTD - IED Preset --> Apply

Out-of-Game Setup

Once you completed the MCM Setup and exited the Live Another live Cell, save your game and then exit to MO2 then perform the following:


bSpeedUpNativeCalls = true

Serio’s Cycle Hotkeys - QuickSet Update

Activate Serio's Cycle Hotkeys - QuickSet Update in the left pane of MO2.

Restart your game as usual. Enjoy Skyrim.